Part III

After the Event

Personalisation is an ongoing experience.

Your attendee had a seamless experience onsite, so don’t let it end there. Post-event communication helps you gather information to improve future events. The information you gather after the event is just as valuable as the information you gather before and during the event. It’s a continuous process. The more information you have, the more individualised experiences you can create for attendees.

The Experience

This is the time to tell attendees "thanks for the memories." 

You want to tap into feelings of nostalgia about the great time they had. It’s the time for a little quid pro quo. Remind them of the good things they experienced, ask how you can do better, and use this last moment of connection to gather the final information you’ll need to create a better event next year and to dig into those potential leads.

The Information You’ll Gather

Post Event Survey
Post Event Survey
  • Content
  • Sessions
  • Speakers
  • Venue
  • Products
  • Purchasing interest 
  • Future event interest
  • Contact information of referrals 
Sessions Attendance
Sessions Attendance
Sessions Attendance
  • Sessions attended
  • Sessions registered

Where You Get It

Data and Analytics
Mobile Event Apps
Lead Tracking
Social Media
Session Tracking
Data and Analytics

As we mentioned earlier, this is your home base. All important information lives here. Your event technology connects all of this critical info together for you. It may seem like a lot but having all of your data in one place makes analysis that much easier. 

Data and Analytics
Mobile Event Apps
Lead Tracking
Social Media
Session Tracking
Mobile Event Apps

Your mobile event apps will show you data on engagement, interaction, gamification success, social posting, survey results, networking, and more. It is, essentially, the hub of your event.

Data and Analytics
Mobile Event Apps
Lead Tracking
Social Media
Session Tracking
Lead Tracking

This will give you an understanding of event ROI based on sales pipeline. More importantly, it cuts down on communication between exhibitors/sponsors and attendees to provide only relevant communication.

Data and Analytics
Mobile Event Apps
Lead Tracking
Social Media
Session Tracking
Social Media

Pictures, comments, quotes, and more. Your social media channels are a bank of memories to use in post-event communication or to get attendees excited for the event next year.

Data and Analytics
Mobile Event Apps
Lead Tracking
Social Media
Session Tracking
Session Tracking

Your content is one of the most important aspects of your event. Session tracking will provide you with the information you need to understand content success and failure.

How To Use It

Planning for Next Year

You have a wealth of information and, as we’ve all heard before, knowledge is power. The ability to personalise an event comes down to the type and quality of information that you have. Feedback, surveys, and attendee tracking will give you ways to improve content, networking, and event basics.

Email Marketing

Your attendees want to hear from you! Don’t let communication die now that the event has ended. Use the information you gathered to send targeted information about your company or products. Make the event matter. Whether your goal was to increase leads, gain more members, or start a conversation, use communication to achieve the hoped-for result.

SocialWall or Video Recap

Nostalgia time. Pull from social media, video, and pictures taken onsite and remind attendees what a great time they had. They’ll feel like they were part of the event when they see photos and video of themselves included.

Targeted Ads

Now is the time to get attendees to pre-register for the next year. Ready to promote your city or venue? Use targeted ads to grab their attention – they should offer a solution to a pain they have.

Calls from Sales

You’ve interacted with them digitally over and over again. At the event, you were able to have face-to-face conversations with different attendees. Now, use the abundance of information you have to call attendees and continue the conversation. Make sure to ask them about the conference and reference a session they attendee before going into a hard sales pitch!

Create Blogs

There’s a good chance that not all questions asked in sessions were able to be answered. Create blogs devoted to answering questions from highly attended sessions and send emails with links to those that attended. 

Session Recap

For all those attendees that rated sessions, let them know the results! Send a recap email or create a recap blog about the top-rated sessions. Give attendees a big shout-out for helping to rate the sessions to ensure that the content stays relevant. 


Personalisation isn’t all monogramed necklaces and tumblers with your name on them.
In the event world, it’s about using information to create an experience that attendees will remember and will feel was created with *them* in mind.
Key Takeaways:
  • Plan early
  • Keep the attendee in mind
  • Use event management technology
  • Gather as much information as possible
  • Automate!
  • Make it personal
Despite the work it took to create different tracks, attendee specific push notification, and targeted ads, your heroic efforts pay off because your attendees feel special (and your boss notices both the smiles and the revenue). Event management technology gives you the ability to create individual experiences at scale. Without it, there’s no way to personalise an event for more than a handful of attendees. 
The power of personalisation allows you to make your event better than ever!

Contact Us

Interested in more information on what event technology you can utilize to create personalized experiences?
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Before the Event



During the Event



After the Event

After the