
Graphic & Design

Upload graphics and review your theme, icon park , and navigation icons. Event Icons, Splash Screens and at least one banner should be uploaded before publishing your event.

  • Download the requirements for the app-level graphics
  • Download the requirements for the event level graphics

Event Content

We recommend that 80% of your content be uploaded by your Event Content deadline to get a good idea of what your app will look like, but content can be modified or added at any time before and after publishing.

  • Start with the sessions template, which also includes your speakers


App Review

It’s time to review! Double-check your app settings, design sections, and Event Checklist to see if anything is missing.

  • Learn how adding speaker photos, sponsor logos, and FAQ pages can make your app shine.


App Marketing Plan

Create a marketing plan to drive app adoption at your event.

  • Check out the marketing pages for a sample plan and resources


Publish Event and Submit App

Finalise your app settings, event settings, and graphics before publishing your event and submitting your app. Let the support team know when you’re ready.

  • Preview your event one more time before publishing
  • Whether it’s your first time, or you’re resubmitting updates, learn about the submission process in the Knowledge Center



Available in Stores

After Apple’s two-week review period, your app should be available in stores. Use the App Download URL from the Marketing Resources page to check on your app’s availability.

  • Review your app one more time before announcing its release to attendees



Attendee Invitations 

Customise your email invitations and then Send Now Invitations  to invited attendees to download the app.
Add a personal touch to your attendee invitations

  • Send attendee invitations